An efficient way to build capacity and make up for deficits in the availability of Professional Development (PD) to all teachers – is to develop a cadre of district PD providers who can model the use of the Math Pathways & Pitfalls teaching strategies and content and provide on-going support for teachers. These trainers become school district resources for MPP especially as it aligns with CCSS. These trainers will be in a position to support teachers as they implement MPP’s program and plan coaching and observation sessions. These trainers can sustain the MPP program by developing its many applications for intervention, enrichment, or curriculum integration.
Course Description
Trainer of Trainers Professional Development teaches a turnkey approach to
- Promote implementation consistency across grade levels
- Model the lessons and CCSS Mathematical Practices,
- Adapt MPP principles and CCSS practces to district-adopted curricula across grade levels, and
- Plan lessons with teachers.
Who Should Attend a Trainer of Trainers Professional Development session?
- Administrators
- Curriculum and Instruction Developers
- Professional Development Providers
- Math Specialists
- Teacher Leaders and Resource Teachers
- Coaches and Mentors
Contact Information
José Franco
[email protected]