Professional Development

What Math Pathways & Pitfalls Professional Development Is Available?

While each of Math Pathways and Pitfalls (MPP) stand-alone book is designed with everything a teacher needs to begin implementing an intervention curriculum, some schools and districts have found MPP’s professional development:

  • Helpful for consistency in implementation across grades at each site,
  • Useful in deepening teachers’ effectiveness in instructional strategies for diverse learners, including English language learners,
  • Beneficial for strengthening teachers’ mathematical content knowledge.

We offer three types of professional development: Implementation Institutes and Discussion Builders Workshops, with an online program on its way!

Math Pathways & Pitfalls Implementation Institutes

Math Pathways & Pitfalls Implementation Institutes, offered from 3 to 5 days, are an affordable way to:

  • Promote implementation consistency across grades.
  • Bridge effective pedagogical principles from Math Pathways & Pitfalls to the adopted text.
  • Enhance understanding of the mathematics content and how children learn mathematics.
  • Deepen understanding of the research-based strategies used to support English learners.
  • Initiate communities of learning within schools and districts.

Discussion Builders Workshops

In this one-day workshop, K–8 participants will:

  • Learn ways to foster productive discussions in classrooms with diverse learners, including specific guidance for teachers of English learners.
  • Think about the role of academic language development in academic success.
  • Practice facilitating productive discussions in mathematics, literature, social studies, and other content areas.

Trainer of Trainers Workshops

In this 4 to 5 day workshop, math leaders from schools, districts or math projects will:

  • Learn the ins and outs of Math Pathways & Pitfalls lessons, research, theory and practice
  • Learn to provide modeling for teachers in their districts or projects
  • Plan ways to support the successful implementation of MPP and to help teachers transfer their practices to district-adopted curricula